Thames Valley Midwives (TVM) provides care to you and your family during pregnancy, labour, birth, and the first six weeks after your baby is born.

Our practice has been providing midwifery services to families from London, Middlesex County, Elgin County and western Oxford County since 1997.

We are located in a beautifully renovated heritage home kitty corner opposite the Western Fair District Market of Dundas and Ontario Streets in London. We also have clinics in Woodstock and Aylmer.

Thames Valley Midwives is committed to providing an inclusive, safe environment for all of our clients, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, religion, relationship status, immigration/citizenship status or ethnic origin.

We would like to acknowledge that the land on which we work is the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and Attawandaron, on lands connected with many treaties such as the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum.

We also acknowledge our neighbouring Indigenous communities: the Chippewas of the Thames, Oneida Nation of the Thames, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Munsee-Delaware Nation who continue to be sovereign Nations and who continue to thrive with their own unique and languages, cultures and ceremonies.

Pregnant? Looking for a Midwife?

Waiting List

As you may know, midwifery care in London is very popular, and spots are limited, therefore we have a waiting list.

We will only contact you if a spot becomes available. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible for a better chance of being accepted into midwifery care.

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue seeing your family doctor for prenatal care.​

Online Application

Click here to fill out our online wait list form. You will automatically be placed on our waiting list and contacted only when a spot with a midwife becomes available.

Office Hours

Monday: 8am - 3pm

Tuesday – Thursday: 8am- 4.30pm

Friday: 8am – 3pm

Saturday & Sunday: Office Closed. Please call our answering service only if your concern is urgent or if you are in labour.

Answering service use is strictly for current clients requiring immediate, urgent assistance.​

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The Thames Valley Wellness team offers you and your family inclusive, holistic, and individualized care to support and optimize your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing before, during and after pregnancy as well as specialized care for your newborn. Learn about Thames Valley Wellness Centre

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Thames Valley Wellness Centre is conveniently located at the same location as Thames Valley Midwives – check out their services and book your holistic health care appointments to assist you with any support you may need to have a more comfortable and wholesome pregnancy!

Please support our midwifery department by helping to share your gratitude! Click below for more information!