Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

All photographs displayed on our website and within the photo gallery are with the express permission of the owner, client, and photographer. They are subject to copyright. You may not use these photographs without the permission of Thames Valley Midwives or their owner, client, or photographer.

If you would like your beautiful baby or babies to be featured on our wall of fame, please send a photograph to with your baby’s name, date of birth or year, names of the midwives who caught your baby or looked after you, your baby’s weight, and any other details you wish to add!

2022 Babies
Happy 2nd Birthday Hailey
Happy 2nd Birthday Hailey
TVM baby Hailey celebrated her 2nd birthday!
Baby Ezra
Baby Ezra
May 2nd 2022 - This little cutie was born by c-section weighing 8lbs 1oz! Mum is Midwife Hayley's friend & has now attended both births of Ezra's older sister Isla too! Ezra was a whopping 11lbs 2oz at discharge!
Baby Devyn Olivia
Baby Devyn Olivia
May 17th 2022 - Sweet baby girl arrived with our TVM team!
Baby Leland
Baby Leland
May 19th 2022 - This little guy weighed 5lbs 11oz.
Baby Maya
Baby Maya
May 23rd 2022 - This little lady weighed 8lbs 8oz
Baby Lilianna-Rose
Baby Lilianna-Rose
May 31st 2022 - This little darling was welcomed quickly in her living room at 6.24am with her daddy, aunt and paramedic who made right on time for the birth, our midwifery team just missed it! She was in a hurry and waiting for no-one!
Happy 1st birthday Rockwell
Happy 1st birthday Rockwell
June 23rd 2022 - Happy 1st Birthday Rockwell! Caught by midwife Jessi, this guys 2 other siblings were also caught by our TVM team!
Baby I
Baby I
Sweet pic of one of our June babies!
Baby Emily
Baby Emily
June 28th 2022 - This sweet girl was born at home at 12.01pm weighing 7lbs 10oz. She was baby 2 of 3 this day for our midwives!
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2021 Babies

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2020 Babies
Baby Miles
Baby Miles
November 27th 2020 - Miles made his appearance at 2.17am weighing 7lbs 8oz.
Victoria is 1
Victoria is 1
Happy first birthday to Victoria who was born December 2019 with LHSC Obstetric team and midwives supporting them all through this beautiful surrogacy journey!
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2019 Babies

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2018 Babies

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2017 & Pre-2017 Babies

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