Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

All photographs displayed on our website and within the photo gallery are with the express permission of the owner, client, and photographer. They are subject to copyright. You may not use these photographs without the permission of Thames Valley Midwives or their owner, client, or photographer.

If you would like your beautiful baby or babies to be featured on our wall of fame, please send a photograph to with your baby’s name, date of birth or year, names of the midwives who caught your baby or looked after you, your baby’s weight, and any other details you wish to add!

2022 Babies
Baby Hudson
Baby Hudson
Hudson was born on August 25th 2022 at 4.02pm weighing 8lbs 11oz with midwife Jessie
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
This lil man and his mummies came to visit midwife Hayley at the reunion!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
So much fun, bubbles, cake and laughter!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
This beautiful baby girl was born super early at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 9oz...look at her now!!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwives Esther and Jessie meeting some of their babies at the reunion!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwife Hayley with one of her wee babies she delivered!
Emma celebrating her 9th Birthday!
Emma celebrating her 9th Birthday!
Midwife Jackie's daughter, Emma, celebrated her 9th birthday. It was a fabulous homebirth and she was caught by midwife Hayley!
Baby Jackson
Baby Jackson
Born October 28th 2022 weighing 6lbs 14oz
Baby Iza
Baby Iza
Born November 9th at 8.21am this little lady was a tiny 4lbs 3oz at birth!
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2021 Babies
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
April 2021 - This sweet fella is six weeks old and being discharged from his midwives today!
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
This guy was born at home weighing 7lbs 12oz at 41 weeks with his amazing first time mama labouring in the bath tub for the majority of her labour over the course of 9 hours! 
Baby River
Baby River
May 4th 2021 - This cute little fella was our first May baby to be born.
Baby Ryan
Baby Ryan
Meet our May car baby! Ryan decided he didn't want to wait for the hospital or the midwife to catch him. Big brother Gavin is also a TVM baby (And was not born in the car!)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
This little guy has turned ONE! He arrived a year ago after a planned hospital birth turned into an unplanned home birth & the midwife barely making it to his sweet mama who was just giving birth on arrival.
Callie is 3
Callie is 3
One of our sweet TVM babies Callie turned 3 on June 7th! It's so incredible watching our little ones growing up.
Baby Piper
Baby Piper
Piper is 100 days old
Baby Lias
Baby Lias
June 4th 2021 -Meet baby Lias! This fella was born with midwives Esther and student midwife. His big brother Brantley was also a TVM baby!
Baby Arthur
Baby Arthur
June 13th 2021 - Sweet Arthur was born at home with his relaxed mama! His sisters are also TVM babies.
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2020 Babies

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2019 Babies

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2018 Babies

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2017 & Pre-2017 Babies

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