Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

All photographs displayed on our website and within the photo gallery are with the express permission of the owner, client, and photographer. They are subject to copyright. You may not use these photographs without the permission of Thames Valley Midwives or their owner, client, or photographer.

If you would like your beautiful baby or babies to be featured on our wall of fame, please send a photograph to with your baby’s name, date of birth or year, names of the midwives who caught your baby or looked after you, your baby’s weight, and any other details you wish to add!

2022 Babies
Midwife Yuefang catching the first Xmas Baby!
Midwife Yuefang catching the first Xmas Baby!
Midwife Yuefang caught our Christmas baby bright and early on December 25th 2022
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2021 Babies
Baby Harrison
Baby Harrison
January 10th 2021 - All three of these babies are Thames Valley Midwives babies! This little guy weighed 7lbs 10oz.
Baby Luhluwa
Baby Luhluwa
January 12th 2021 - midwife Jenni was able to attend the birth of her new niece. Luhluwa was born in the water, into her mum's hands at home. She weighed 9lbs 3oz with the help of our other midwife Esther as back up and student Claire.
Baby Harrison
Baby Harrison
January 17th 2021 - Harrison is baby number 3 for this family, and after his sisters were perfect births with no interventions, this guy decided to be a little different with a bum & foot presenting first in labour! So Mister Harrison arrived by c-section!
Emmett & Holland
Emmett & Holland
Mister Emmett was born by c-section in 2017 after a long labour supported by Yuefang. Baby Holland was born during the pandemic with another couple of TVM midwives.
Lauren is 1
Lauren is 1
February 9th 2021 - Hayley's daughter Miss Lauren turned one today! Time sure flies!
Baby Kinsley
Baby Kinsley
February 21st 2021 - Miss Kinsley was born at 3.53pm weighing 8lbs 11oz. She was welcomed with midwife Yuefang.
Baby Chloe
Baby Chloe
February 26th 2021 - Just one day before her Mama's birthday, the most perfect birthday gift arrived by c-section weighing 6lbs 7oz.
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
March 12th 2021 -This sweet fella is three days old - this pic was snapped at his home visit.
Baby Theo
Baby Theo
March 30th 2021 - Gorgeous Theo was born weighing 7lbs 10oz and discharged at 6 weeks weighing a whopping 9lbs 14oz! Well done Theo!
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2020 Babies

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2019 Babies

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2018 Babies

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2017 & Pre-2017 Babies
Baby Calvin
Baby Calvin
Dec 20th 2017 - Midwives Karen, Rebecca and Jessica Raison welcome midwife Hayley and her husband's first baby into the world. Little Calvin arrived after a caesarean section weighing 6lbs 4oz!
Baby Lola
Baby Lola
Meet gorgeous Lola!! She was born June 30th 2017.
Baby Ivanne Marie
Baby Ivanne Marie
March 27th 2016 - this sweet girl was caught by Yuefang.
Baby Anakin
Baby Anakin
2016 - Midwife Hayley with gorgeous 6 week old Anakin, born at home!
A not so little pic of Hannah - Monica's daughter - all grown up! She was delivered by retired midwife Heather in 1999.
Midwifery Conference
Midwifery Conference
And this is what the midwives do when they are off!
Harper Update
Harper Update
Look at this updated photo of two year old Harper...Gahhh she sure got big so fast!!
Postpartum Home Visit
Postpartum Home Visit
Midwife Esther checking a new baby at home a few days after birth.
Baby Jake
Baby Jake
December 31st 2015 - Midwives Hayley and Leanne welcome midwife Jackie's second baby into the world. Gorgeous Jake made his speedy entrance at home on New Year's Eve!
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