Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

All photographs displayed on our website and within the photo gallery are with the express permission of the owner, client, and photographer. They are subject to copyright. You may not use these photographs without the permission of Thames Valley Midwives or their owner, client, or photographer.

If you would like your beautiful baby or babies to be featured on our wall of fame, please send a photograph to with your baby’s name, date of birth or year, names of the midwives who caught your baby or looked after you, your baby’s weight, and any other details you wish to add!

2022 Babies
Baby Daphne
Baby Daphne
A little over 4 months old, Daphne was delivered by midwife Esther!
Amish Night of Birthing!
Amish Night of Birthing!
August 28th 2022 - Midwives Hayley and Lissette attending an amish home birth in the middle of the night!
Baby Ben
Baby Ben
"Ben was discharged from midwife care in November 2021 by our favourite midwife Hayley! 2/3 kids had Hayley and we can't say enough about her - we had an amazing experience both times and were sad to say goodbye"
Baby Micah
Baby Micah
"Esther delivered baby Micah and I wouldn't have been able to do it without her! Esther was a peaceful presence and guided me through birth."
Baby Hudson
Baby Hudson
Hudson was born on August 25th 2022 at 4.02pm weighing 8lbs 11oz with midwife Jessie
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
This lil man and his mummies came to visit midwife Hayley at the reunion!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
So much fun, bubbles, cake and laughter!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
This beautiful baby girl was born super early at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 9oz...look at her now!!
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwifery Reunion September
Midwives Esther and Jessie meeting some of their babies at the reunion!
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2021 Babies
Baby Theo
Baby Theo
March 30th 2021 - Gorgeous Theo was born weighing 7lbs 10oz and discharged at 6 weeks weighing a whopping 9lbs 14oz! Well done Theo!
TVM team
TVM team
A weekend of 8 babies and our featured midwives at 4.16am on a cold March morning! Left to Right - Esther, Jess, student midwife Claire and Theressa. (Rebecca was sleeping)
Baby Ishana Update
Baby Ishana Update
This sweet girl was 6 weeks old in this pic with her midwife Theressa. She was 6lbs 11oz at birth and was discharged at 9lbs 13oz!
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
April 2021 - This sweet fella is six weeks old and being discharged from his midwives today!
Twins - Baby Boy and Baby Girl
Twins - Baby Boy and Baby Girl
April 11th Baby boy
April 12th Baby girl
...born 11 minutes apart!
Student midwife Claire on her last day of placement - next step registration to become a fully fledged midwife!
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
This guy was born at home weighing 7lbs 12oz at 41 weeks with his amazing first time mama labouring in the bath tub for the majority of her labour over the course of 9 hours with midwives Loraina and Jessica Riley! 
Baby River
Baby River
May 4th 2021 - This cute little fella was our first May baby to be born.
Baby Ryan
Baby Ryan
We will be adding a new birth location to our stats this month...Meet our May car baby! Ryan decided he didn't want to wait for the hospital or Midwife Jackie to catch him. Big brother Gavin is also a TVM baby delivered by Theressa two years ago (And was not born in the car!)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
This little guy has turned ONE! He arrived a year ago after a planned hospital birth turned into an unplanned home birth & the midwife barely making it to his sweet mama who was just giving birth on arrival.
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2020 Babies
Baby Joey
Baby Joey
Meet sweet baby Joey at his final discharge visit snuggling with midwife Jess Raison.

It’s been BABY SEASON over here at TVM! Phew. Both teams have been busy running around and catching babies at an insane rate! 10 babies in 3 days (June 7th-June 10th)
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
ALL FOR DONATIONS: The BIPOC Midwifery Collective has created the Ontario Black Midwifery Student Relief Fund to ease the financial burden of aspiring Black midwives.

Graduates of the Midwifery Education Program (MEP) in Ontario go on to practice as Registered Midwives across the country. Donations to the fund will directly benefit efforts for an increased representation of Black midwives in Canada. 
Please share widely!

Black Lives Matter.
Black Births Matter.
Black Birthworkers Matter.
Vienna is 1
Vienna is 1
Vienna recently celebrated her first birthday amidst the COVID-19 pandemic! Esther and (then student) Jessica were her midwives ❤️ Born May 29, 2019, weighing 8lbs 3 oz delivered by midwives Esther and Jessica Riley.

This year we had 2 babies on May 29th!
Callie is 2
Callie is 2
Another TVM Birthday Baby! This little chick turned 2 in June 2020 Happy birthday Callie!

Born with the help of Midwives Jess Raison and Rebecca.
Midwife Rebecca Gets Married
Midwife Rebecca Gets Married
Taking a pause on pandemic babies for a hot sec to congratulate Midwife Rebecca on her pandemic wedding!! Rebecca and Jared got married on June 24th and it was perfect!! We couldn't be happier for them both!
Baby Esme Muriel
Baby Esme Muriel
Meet sweet Esme Muriel She was one of our June babies born with the help of Midwives Yuefang and Dominique.
Levi & Lennen
Levi & Lennen
Levi and Lennen were both attended by midwives Karen & Jess Raison. Levi was born April 28th 2018 and Lennen on May 28th 2019. They both celebrated "pandemic-style" for their birthday's this year. 
Baby Rue
Baby Rue
Little miss Rue was born the end of April at home. At 2 months old, she has grown 5lbs and 5 inches from birth. At 3 months, she outgrew her 6 month sleepers. And now she's almost 4 months old! Rue's big sister Niiwin is also a TVM baby!
Isla is 1
Isla is 1
On April 17th 2020, gorgeous Isla celebrated her first birthday in quarantine. Despite her photography session being delayed, this girl still got her cake & loved every minute of her party! Delivered with midwives Hayley & Karen in 2019!
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2019 Babies
Baby Cove
Baby Cove
November 21st 2019 introducing one of TVM's biggest babies meet super cute Cove weighing in at 12lbs 13oz with midwives Hayley, Rebecca and Jessica Raison.
Baby Julian
Baby Julian
November 25th 2019 - A little baby love for your Wednesday night! Meet Baby Julian. Born with Midwives Jackie and Jessica.
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
December 25th 2019 - We had a Christmas Baby! Midwife Theressa and Jessica welcomed this sweet baby on Christmas Day
Baby Girl
Baby Girl
Midwife Jessica was kept busy this holiday season! Here’s Jessica and Jenni with one of our last babies of 2019!
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2018 Babies
Baby Calvin at 4 weeks
Baby Calvin at 4 weeks
Midwife Esther holding gorgeous Calvin after his 4 week old postnatal check up in clinic.
Waiting For A Baby
Waiting For A Baby
Midwife Jessica Raison waiting patiently for a baby to arrive at a home birth.
Baby Ronan
Baby Ronan
2018 - Welcome to the world little Ronan! Delivered by midwife Jessica Raison at home. His siblings have also been born at home with a whole team of TVM midwives!
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
2018 - Midwives Esther and Theressa having some newborn cuddles after this little guy was just born.
Midwife Karen Snuggles
Midwife Karen Snuggles
Midwife Karen getting some snuggles with baby Calvin.
Harper is 3
Harper is 3
Gorgeous Harper is 3 years old!!! Delivered by midwife Hayley.
Home birth Setup
Home birth Setup
Cannot have a home birth without a martini glass full of water.
Baby Azalea Ruth
Baby Azalea Ruth
May 24th 2018 - Born at home, this sweet girl was delivered by midwife Loraina.
Baby Girl
Baby Girl
2018 - Midwife Rebecca and a beautiful growing baby girl that she delivered.
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2017 & Pre-2017 Babies
Baby Emma
Baby Emma
November 13th 2013 - Beautiful Emma came into the world at home for midwife Jackie and her husband. Midwives Hayley and Leanne were so proud to help their amazing colleague deliver her first child. She will be forever loved by the TVM family.
Home Water Birth
Home Water Birth
Fantastic shot of midwife Jackie listening to baby, while a hard working client waits for the next contraction.
Baby Merek
Baby Merek
2013 - Beautiful baby Merek is being checked over by midwife Jackie just shortly after birth.
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