Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

All photographs displayed on our website and within the photo gallery are with the express permission of the owner, client, and photographer. They are subject to copyright. You may not use these photographs without the permission of Thames Valley Midwives or their owner, client, or photographer.

If you would like your beautiful baby or babies to be featured on our wall of fame, please send a photograph to with your baby’s name, date of birth or year, names of the midwives who caught your baby or looked after you, your baby’s weight, and any other details you wish to add!

2022 Babies

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2021 Babies

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2020 Babies
Baby Caleb Update
Baby Caleb Update
Caleb's final discharge visit in June 2020 after a beautiful home birth during the pandemic.
Baby Asher
Baby Asher
August 23rd 2020 - Asher was born weighing a lovely 8lbs 8oz. Asher's mama sent us this pic just before halloween - he is so darn cute!
Baby L
Baby L
August 25th 2020 - Baby L was born at Woodstock Hospital with midwife Esther and student midwife Claire weighing 6lbs 9.5oz.
Twin Baby Girls - Ellie & Ava
Twin Baby Girls - Ellie & Ava
October 15th 2020 - Introducing Miss Ellie & Miss Ava. Ellie weighed 5lbs 9oz and Ava weighed 5lbs 6oz. At 2 weeks old, they both passed their birth weights and are successfully breastfeeding!

We've had two sets of twins in October - All girls!
Baby Boy
Baby Boy
October 31st 2020 - Happy halloween & happy birthday to midwife Jessi and this little guy born today! What a way to spend your birthday sharing it with a tiny human & a strong mama!
Baby Oliver
Baby Oliver
November 4th 2020 - Gorgeous Ollie was born at home at 4.04pm! His parents are absolutely in love with their little guy. He weighed 8lbs 9oz. He is midwife Hayley's newest nephew!
Baby Hudson
Baby Hudson
November 8th 2020 - Meet cute baby Hudson! He was born at 8.26pm weighing 7lbs 15oz.
Baby Soleil
Baby Soleil
November 10th 2020 - Meet Soleil! This fella was born at 10.39pm weighing 8lbs 1oz. He and his mama were under the care of midwife Jessi. Check out his chunky cheeks - soooo cute!
Baby Weston
Baby Weston
November 26th 2020 at 3.02pm - This fella came fast and furious to a first time mama! He was born in less than 2.5 hours from the first contraction to birth! He weighed 7lbs 10oz.
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2019 Babies

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2018 Babies

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2017 & Pre-2017 Babies

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