Student Evaluation Form
Thank you for involving our students in your care. Your contribution to their education is essential both to their development as midwives and to the growth of midwifery in Ontario. We would appreciate it if you could give us and your student feedback about the care students provide and our approach to working with students.
Prenatal Care:
- Section A
- Section B
Student information
Please provide feedback on the prenatal care provided by your student.
Were you clearly informed as to what the student's role in your care would be?
Do you feel that the student conducted prenatal visits with skill and confidence?
Did the student discuss necessary topics clearly and concisely?
Please provide feedback on the labour and delivery care provided by your student.
Do you feel that the student provided comfort and support measures during labour and birth?
Please rate and comment on the student's involvement during your labour and birth.
Please provide feedback on the postpartum care provided by your student.
Was the student helpful in explaining infant feeding, newborn appearance and behaviour, normal body changes after delivery and common discomforts experienced after birth?
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